Achieving optimal dental and oral health begins with healthy gums and teeth! At Prairie Dental, our team is proud to provide dental hygiene and teeth cleaning appointments to support your journey to optimum dental health. While at-home dental care is important, our professional dental cleanings are necessary to provide your teeth and gums with a more in-depth cleaning that is difficult to achieve otherwise. Regular dental hygiene and teeth cleaning appointments are essential for removing tartar, plaque and bacteria from difficult-to-reach areas. Scheduling routine professional cleanings helps to ensure comprehensive care, keeping your teeth and gums healthy from top to bottom!
During a dental hygiene and teeth cleaning appointment, the Prairie Dental professional dental team will perform a comprehensive examination and cleaning to maintain your optimal oral health. Appointments typically begin with a thorough assessment of your dental and medical history, which allows us to understand any concerns or changes in your health. We then examine your teeth and gums, checking for signs of cavities, gum disease or other oral issues.
Next, a professional teeth cleaning is conducted to remove plaque and tartar buildup. Using specialized tools, we carefully remove the accumulated deposits from the surfaces of your teeth and along the gumline. This process, known as scaling, helps prevent gum disease and cavities. Following scaling, you will be given the option to have your teeth polished using a gritty toothpaste, which leaves your teeth with a smooth and polished surface. You will also be given the option of fluoride treatment. Finally, we will provide personalized oral hygiene instructions, offering guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques to maintain a healthy smile between dental visits. Regular dental hygiene appointments are crucial for preventing oral health issues and promoting a clean and vibrant smile. Prairie Dental is here to help you every step of the way, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
The Prairie Dental team recognizes the importance of tailoring hygiene and check-up schedules to your individual needs. While most patients visit us every 6 months, some patients may benefit from visiting us every 3-4 months, while others can extend to 9-12 months. Factors like genetics, home care, grinding habits, predisposition to cavities and tooth positioning all influence the best schedule for your specific oral health needs. Those with gum disease, heavy staining, loose teeth or significant calculus buildup for example, may require more frequent cleanings for optimal oral health. The Prairie Dental team is here to collaborate with you to establish a personalized schedule based on your specific needs to ensure your optimal oral health and wellness.
Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection that is hidden below your gums. It is typically a result of poor brushing and flossing that allows plaque to build up and harden. Professional dental cleanings can effectively treat the bacteria, but when you return home the cycle often continues. Bacterial cells can grow back in just hours after a professional cleaning, and home brushing and flossing do not necessarily reach deep enough to effectively address the infection.
Prairie Dental is pleased to offer several treatment options to help combat periodontal disease. Laser bacterial reduction utilizes advanced laser technology to precisely target and eliminate harmful bacteria hidden beneath the gum line, reducing the risk of gum disease and promoting optimal oral health. This non-invasive procedure is quick, and painless and can be performed during your routine dental appointment. It can be seen as a precursor for cleaning and decontaminating the gums before a traditional cleaning or other treatment. By lessening the amount of bacteria in the mouth before a cleaning, there is a far lesser chance of bacteria being spread from one pocket of the mouth to another. Statistics also show that patients who receive laser bacterial reduction therapy experience less tooth and gum sensitivity, less bleeding during their cleaning, and generally experience an overall cleaner feeling. By incorporating laser bacterial reduction into our treatment options, we aim to provide our patients with a proactive approach to preventing oral health issues and maintaining a healthy smile.
Prairie Dental is also pleased to offer the Perio Tray® by Perio Protect, another non-invasive therapy for gum disease that gently applies medication deep under the gums to fight infections. You apply it at home for just minutes each day. The tray is comfortable, flexible and custom-fit precisely for your mouth. With Perio Tray® therapy, you have a new chance against the infections that cause gum disease. In addition to healthier gums, patients commonly report whiter teeth and fresher breath. If you suffer from gum disease, ask our dedicated team if Perio Trays® is right for you!
Prairie Dental is dedicated to helping you and your entire family achieve optimal oral and dental health! If you have any questions or concerns about dental hygiene, or you would like to schedule a cleaning and hygiene appointment, please contact our dedicated team at (780) 986-6255 and we will be happy to help.
Contact the Prairie Dental team at (780) 986-6255 to book your Dental Hygiene & Teeth Cleanings appointment today!
At Prairie Dental, our dedicated team is committed to providing exceptional care and personalized service to the Leduc community.
Prairie Dental prioritizes accessibility for all patients, providing convenient parking, ramps, and accessible bathrooms, ensuring a comfortable and inclusive experience for everyone in Leduc.
Prairie Dental understands the importance of a stress-free dental experience for families, which is why we offer a dedicated kids’ playroom right in our clinic in Leduc, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable visit for young patients.
We are proud to offer financing through Beautifi. Please click here to start your application.
Convenient, dedicated and free parking offered outside the clinic.
Prairie Dental boasts a team of friendly and accommodating staff members, ensuring every patient’s visit is comfortable and stress-free in Leduc.
Prairie Dental utilizes cutting-edge technology with in-office digital imaging, ensuring precise diagnostics and personalized treatment plans for every patient in Leduc.
For 30+ years, Prairie Dental has been the go-to for Leduc’s smiles, offering top-notch care and personalized service to keep the community’s teeth healthy and bright.
Prairie Dental provides quality, family-focused dental care in Leduc at affordable prices. With 0% interest payment plans, they ensure everyone can access the treatment they need without financial stress.
Prairie Dental brightens smiles beyond the clinic with take-home whitening kits, allowing patients to achieve a radiant smile conveniently from home in Leduc.